Complete all clauses

Clause 1 Complete ten of the Boguk Interest badges, to include two from each of the following groups and any two others of your choice :

Have complete all the badges in blue text as well as a challenge and a tries it and I'm still working on more badges.

Home skills Computer and admin. skills etc

Boguk in the house

Boguk the Web Designer

Boguk in the kitchen

Boguk the Computer Whizz

Boguk is handy round the house

Boguk On-Line

Boguk is safe at home

Boguk can communicate

Boguk cares for children

Boguk goes public

Boguk has green fingers

Boguk the administrator

Boguk goes car crazy

Boguk the bookworm

Boguk keeps healthy

Boguk the bookworm 2

Outdoor skills

Creative skills etc

Boguk goes camping

Boguk gets needled

Boguk gets traditional

Boguk in stitches

Boguk the camp QM

Boguk gets crafty

Boguk the Holiday QM

Boguk gets crafty 2

Boguk the campfire singer

Boguk the Author

Boguk gets lost

Boguk the Musician

Boguk gets knotted

Boguk Gets Snappy

Boguk is safe out of doors

Boguk the Graphic Designer

Boguk gets adventurous

Clause 2 Learn to say "NO" occasionally. The next time your DC asks you to do something that you a) haven't time to do or b) don't want to do, say "No" to her. When she asks you again...and again…. and again, continue to say "No." Stick to your decision

Have said no to the DC as I didn't want her job, I don't live in the district, county or region Have said no to becoming County PHA. I work Saturdays so this would make assessments difficult.

You may earn more than one "Boguk is SUPERWOMAN!!" badge but you may not count the same Boguk badges towards a second Superwoman badge, order to earn three Superwoman badges you will have to complete ALL 34 Boguk badges!

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