
Sable fifteen bezants in pile, the shield ensigned by the coronet of the Heir Apparent. Inscribed beneath the motto band azure lettered ONE AND ALL

There are various legends attached to this coat of arms which belongs to the Heir Apparent as Duke of Cornwall and are the arms of the Duchy of Cornwall.

1. The 15 bezants represent the three balls of the five pawnbrokers who formed an association, the Ancient Honourable Association of Pawnbrokers, to take over King John's debts.

2. The 15 bezants represent 15 peas (poix) in a punning allusion to King John's second son, Richard Duke of Cornwall and Count of Poitou.

3. During the Crusades, a Duke of Cornwall being taken prisoner by the Saracens was held to ransom for 15 bezants, a bezant being a gold coin in circulation in Constantinople and other eastern towns. When news of his capture reached Cornwall, all the inhabitants raised the necessary sum between them and the Duke was set free. The 15 bezants were incorporated into the Cornish Arms in memory of this act.

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